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Machine learning classifiers rely on loss functions for performance evaluation, often on a private (hidden) dataset. Label inference was recently introduced as the problem of reconstructing the ground truth labels of this private dataset from just the (possibly perturbed) loss function values evaluated at chosen prediction vectors, without any other access to the hidden dataset. Existing results have demonstrated this inference is possible on specific loss functions like the cross-entropy loss. In this paper, we introduce the notion of codomain separability to formally study the necessary and sufficient conditions under which label inference is possible from any (noisy) loss function values. Using this notion, we show that for many commonly used loss functions, including multiclass cross-entropy with common activation functions and some Bregman divergence-based losses, it is possible to design label inference attacks for arbitrary noise levels. We demonstrate that these attacks can also be carried out through actual neural network models, and argue, both formally and empirically, the role of finite precision arithmetic in this setting.
Log-loss (also known as cross-entropy loss) metric is ubiquitously used across machine learning applications to assess the performance of classification algorithms. In this paper, we investigate the problem of inferring the labels of a dataset from single (or multiple) log-loss score(s), without any other access to the dataset. Surprisingly, we show that for any finite number of label classes, it is possible to accurately infer the labels of the dataset from the reported log-loss score of a single carefully constructed prediction vector if we allow arbitrary precision arithmetic. Additionally, we present label inference algorithms (attacks) that succeed even under addition of noise to the log-loss scores and under limited precision arithmetic. All our algorithms rely on ideas from number theory and combinatorics and require no model training. We run experimental simulations on some real datasets to demonstrate the ease of running these attacks in practice.
Robust loss functions are essential for training deep neural networks with better generalization power in the presence of noisy labels. Symmetric loss functions are confirmed to be robust to label noise. However, the symmetric condition is overly restrictive. In this work, we propose a new class of loss functions, namely textit{asymmetric loss functions}, which are robust to learning with noisy labels for various types of noise. We investigate general theoretical properties of asymmetric loss functions, including classification calibration, excess risk bound, and noise tolerance. Meanwhile, we introduce the asymmetry ratio to measure the asymmetry of a loss function. The empirical results show that a higher ratio would provide better noise tolerance. Moreover, we modify several commonly-used loss functions and establish the necessary and sufficient conditions for them to be asymmetric. Experimental results on benchmark datasets demonstrate that asymmetric loss functions can outperform state-of-the-art methods. The code is available at href{}{}
We consider a situation where the distribution of a random variable is being estimated by the empirical distribution of noisy measurements of that variable. This is common practice in, for example, teacher value-added models and other fixed-effect models for panel data. We use an asymptotic embedding where the noise shrinks with the sample size to calculate the leading bias in the empirical distribution arising from the presence of noise. The leading bias in the empirical quantile function is equally obtained. These calculations are new in the literature, where only results on smooth functionals such as the mean and variance have been derived. Given a closed-form expression for the bias, bias-corrected estimator of the distribution function and quantile function can be constructed. We provide both analytical and jackknife corrections that recenter the limit distribution and yield confidence intervals with correct coverage in large samples. These corrections are non-parametric and easy to implement. Our approach can be connected to corrections for selection bias and shrinkage estimation and is to be contrasted with deconvolution. Simulation results confirm the much-improved sampling behavior of the corrected estimators.
Deep neural networks (DNNs) exhibit great success on many tasks with the help of large-scale well annotated datasets. However, labeling large-scale data can be very costly and error-prone so that it is difficult to guarantee the annotation quality (i.e., having noisy labels). Training on these noisy labeled datasets may adversely deteriorate their generalization performance. Existing methods either rely on complex training stage division or bring too much computation for marginal performance improvement. In this paper, we propose a Temporal Calibrated Regularization (TCR), in which we utilize the original labels and the predictions in the previous epoch together to make DNN inherit the simple pattern it has learned with little overhead. We conduct extensive experiments on various neural network architectures and datasets, and find that it consistently enhances the robustness of DNNs to label noise.
Deep neural networks (DNNs) have great expressive power, which can even memorize samples with wrong labels. It is vitally important to reiterate robustness and generalization in DNNs against label corruption. To this end, this paper studies the 0-1 loss, which has a monotonic relationship with an empirical adversary (reweighted) risk~citep{hu2016does}. Although the 0-1 loss has some robust properties, it is difficult to optimize. To efficiently optimize the 0-1 loss while keeping its robust properties, we propose a very simple and efficient loss, i.e. curriculum loss (CL). Our CL is a tighter upper bound of the 0-1 loss compared with conventional summation based surrogate losses. Moreover, CL can adaptively select samples for model training. As a result, our loss can be deemed as a novel perspective of curriculum sample selection strategy, which bridges a connection between curriculum learning and robust learning. Experimental results on benchmark datasets validate the robustness of the proposed loss.