Depth-supervised NeRF: Fewer Views and Faster Training for Free

Abstract in English

One common failure mode of Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) models is fitting incorrect geometries when given an insufficient number of input views. We propose DS-NeRF (Depth-supervised Neural Radiance Fields), a loss for learning neural radiance fields that takes advantage of readily-available depth supervision. Our key insight is that sparse depth supervision can be used to regularize the learned geometry, a crucial component for effectively rendering novel views using NeRF. We exploit the fact that current NeRF pipelines require images with known camera poses that are typically estimated by running structure-from-motion (SFM). Crucially, SFM also produces sparse 3D points that can be used as ``free depth supervision during training: we simply add a loss to ensure that depth rendered along rays that intersect these 3D points is close to the observed depth. We find that DS-NeRF can render more accurate images given fewer training views while training 2-6x faster. With only two training views on real-world images, DS-NeRF significantly outperforms NeRF as well as other sparse-view variants. We show that our loss is compatible with these NeRF models, demonstrating that depth is a cheap and easily digestible supervisory signal. Finally, we show that DS-NeRF supports other types of depth supervision such as scanned depth sensors and RGBD reconstruction outputs.
