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Multiloop corrections for collider processes using auxiliary mass flow

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 Added by Yan-Qing Ma
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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With a key improvement, the auxiliary mass flow method is now able to compute many badly-needed Feynman integrals encountered in cutting-edge collider processes. We have successfully applied it to two-loop electroweak correction to $e^+e^-to HZ$, two-loop QCD corrections to $3j$, $W/Z/H+2j$, $tbar{t}H$ and $4j$ production at hadron colliders, and three-loop QCD correction to $tbar{t}$ production at hadron colliders, all of which are crucial for precision test in the following decade. Our results are important building blocks and benchmarks for future study of these processes.

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142 - Johannes M. Henn 2014
I will present a new method for thinking about and for computing loop integrals based on differential equations. All required information is obtained by algebraic means and is encoded in a small set of simple quantities that I will describe. I will present various applications, including results for all planar master integrals that are needed for the computation of NNLO QCD corrections to the production of two off-shell vector bosons in hadron collisions.
We present the one-loop corrections originating from Quantum Chromo-Dynamics (QCD) and Electro-Weak (EW) interactions of Supersymmetric (SUSY) origin within the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) to the single-top processes bq -> tq and qbar q -> tbar b. We illustrate their impact onto top quark observables accessible at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the t+jet final state, such as total cross section, several differential distributions and left-right plus forward-backward asymmetries. We find that in many instances these effects can be observable for planned LHC energies and luminosities, quite large as well as rather sensitive to several MSSM parameters.
60 - Xiao Liu , Yan-Qing Ma , Wei Tao 2020
We extend the auxiliary-mass-flow (AMF) method originally developed for Feynman loop integration to calculate integrals involving also phase-space integration. Flow of the auxiliary mass from the boundary ($infty$) to the physical point ($0^+$) is obtained by numerically solving differential equations with respective to the auxiliary mass. For problems with two or more kinematical invariants, the AMF method can be combined with traditional differential equation method by providing systematical boundary conditions and highly nontrivial self-consistent check. The method is described in detail with a pedagogical example of $e^+e^-rightarrow gamma^* rightarrow tbar{t}+X$ at NNLO. We show that the AMF method can systematically and efficiently calculate integrals to high precision.
The problem of eliminating divergences arising in quantum gravity is generally addressed by modifying the classical Einstein-Hilbert action. These modifications might involve the introduction of local supersymmetry, the addition of terms that are higher-order in the curvature to the action, or invoking compactification of superstring theory from ten to four dimensions. An alternative to these approaches is to introduce a Lagrange multiplier field that restricts the path integral to field configurations that satisfy the classical equations of motion; this has the effect of doubling the usual one-loop contributions and of eliminating all effects beyond one loop. We show how this reduction of loop contributions occurs and find the gauge invariances present when such a Lagrange multiplier is introduced into the Yang-Mills and Einstein-Hilbert actions. Moreover, we quantize using the path integral, discuss the renormalization, and then show how Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) invariance can be used to both demonstrate that unitarity is retained and to find BRST relations between Greens functions. In the Appendices, we show how the background field quantization can be implemented, consider the use of a Lagrange multiplier field to restrict higher-order contributions in supersymmetric theories, and derive the BRST equations satisfied by the generating functional.
85 - U. Baur 2006
The O(alpha) virtual weak radiative corrections to many hadron collider processes are known to become large and negative at high energies, due to the appearance of Sudakov-like logarithms. At the same order in perturbation theory, weak boson emission diagrams contribute. Since the W and Z bosons are massive, the O(alpha) virtual weak radiative corrections and the contributions from weak boson emission are separately finite. Thus, unlike in QED or QCD calculations, there is no technical reason for including gauge boson emission diagrams in calculations of electroweak radiative corrections. In most calculations of the O(alpha) electroweak radiative corrections, weak boson emission diagrams are therefore not taken into account. Another reason for not including these diagrams is that they lead to final states which differ from that of the original process. However, in experiment, one usually considers partially inclusive final states. Weak boson emission diagrams thus should be included in calculations of electroweak radiative corrections. In this paper, I examine the role of weak boson emission in those processes at the Fermilab Tevatron and the CERN LHC for which the one-loop electroweak radiative corrections are known to become large at high energies (inclusive jet, isolated photon, Z+1 jet, Drell-Yan, di-boson, t-bar t, and single top production). In general, I find that the cross section for weak boson emission is substantial at high energies and that weak boson emission and the O(alpha) virtual weak radiative corrections partially cancel.
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