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The Steinberg representation is irreducible

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 Added by Andrew Putman
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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We prove that the Steinberg representation of a connected reductive group over an infinite field is irreducible. For finite fields, this is a classical theorem of Steinberg and Curtis.

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We determine the composition factors of a Jordan-Holder series including multiplicities of the locally analytic Steinberg representation. For this purpose we prove the acyclicity of the evaluated locally analytic Tits complex giving rise to the Steinberg representation. Further we describe some analogue of the Jacquet functor applied to the irreducible principal series representation constructed by Orlik and Strauch.
We classify the irreducible representations of smooth, connected affine algebraic groups over a field, by tackling the case of pseudo-reductive groups. We reduce the problem of calculating the dimension for pseudo-split pseudo-reductive groups to the split reductive case and the pseudo-split pseudo-reductive commutative case. Moreover, we give the first results on the latter, including a rather complete description of the rank one case.
We classify all triples $(G,V,H)$ such that $SL_n(q)leq Gleq GL_n(q)$, $V$ is a representation of $G$ of dimension greater than one over an algebraically closed field $FF$ of characteristic coprime to $q$, and $H$ is a proper subgroup of $G$ such that the restriction $Vdar_{H}$ is irreducible. This problem is a natural part of the Aschbacher-Scott program on maximal subgroups of finite classical groups.
In this paper we study finite p-solvable groups having irreducible complex characters chi in Irr(G) which take roots of unity values on the p-singular elements of G.
230 - Tomoyuki Tamura 2014
In this paper we consider symmetric powers representation and exterior powers representation of finite groups, which generated by the representation which has finite dimension over the complex field. We calculate the multiplicity of irreducible component of two representations of some representation by using a character theory of representation and a pre-lambda-ring, for example, the regular representation.
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