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Quadrupeds are strong candidates for navigating challenging environments because of their agile and dynamic designs. This paper presents a methodology that extends the range of exploration for quadrupedal robots by creating an end-to-end navigation framework that exploits walking and jumping modes. To obtain a dynamic jumping maneuver while avoiding obstacles, dynamically-feasible trajectories are optimized offline through collocation-based optimization where safety constraints are imposed. Such optimization schematic allows the robot to jump through window-shaped obstacles by considering both obstacles in the air and on the ground. The resulted jumping mode is utilized in an autonomous navigation pipeline that leverages a search-based global planner and a local planner to enable the robot to reach the goal location by walking. A state machine together with a decision making strategy allows the system to switch behaviors between walking around obstacles or jumping through them. The proposed framework is experimentally deployed and validated on a quadrupedal robot, a Mini Cheetah, to enable the robot to autonomously navigate through an environment while avoiding obstacles and jumping over a maximum height of 13 cm to pass through a window-shaped opening in order to reach its goal.
Navigating a large-scaled robot in unknown and cluttered height-constrained environments is challenging. Not only is a fast and reliable planning algorithm required to go around obstacles, the robot should also be able to change its intrinsic dimension by crouching in order to travel underneath height constrained regions. There are few mobile robots that are capable of handling such a challenge, and bipedal robots provide a solution. However, as bipedal robots have nonlinear and hybrid dynamics, trajectory planning while ensuring dynamic feasibility and safety on these robots is challenging. This paper presents an end-to-end vision-aided autonomous navigation framework which leverages three layers of planners and a variable walking height controller to enable bipedal robots to safely explore height-constrained environments. A vertically actuated Spring-Loaded Inverted Pendulum (vSLIP) model is introduced to capture the robot coupled dynamics of planar walking and vertical walking height. This reduced-order model is utilized to optimize for long-term and short-term safe trajectory plans. A variable walking height controller is leveraged to enable the bipedal robot to maintain stable periodic walking gaits while following the planned trajectory. The entire framework is tested and experimentally validated using a bipedal robot Cassie. This demonstrates reliable autonomy to drive the robot to safely avoid obstacles while walking to the goal location in various kinds of height-constrained cluttered environments.
This paper addresses task-allocation problems with uncertainty in situational awareness for distributed autonomous robots (DARs). The uncertainty propagation over a task-allocation process is done by using the Unscented transform that uses the Sigma-Point sampling mechanism. It has great potential to be employed for generic task-allocation schemes, in the sense that there is no need to modify an existing task-allocation method that has been developed without considering the uncertainty in the situational awareness. The proposed framework was tested in a simulated environment where the decision-maker needs to determine an optimal allocation of multiple locations assigned to multiple mobile flying robots whose locations come as random variables of known mean and covariance. The simulation result shows that the proposed stochastic task allocation approach generates an assignment with 30% less overall cost than the one without considering the uncertainty.
We propose a framework for resilient autonomous navigation in perceptually challenging unknown environments with mobility-stressing elements such as uneven surfaces with rocks and boulders, steep slopes, negative obstacles like cliffs and holes, and narrow passages. Environments are GPS-denied and perceptually-degraded with variable lighting from dark to lit and obscurants (dust, fog, smoke). Lack of prior maps and degraded communication eliminates the possibility of prior or off-board computation or operator intervention. This necessitates real-time on-board computation using noisy sensor data. To address these challenges, we propose a resilient architecture that exploits redundancy and heterogeneity in sensing modalities. Further resilience is achieved by triggering recovery behaviors upon failure. We propose a fast settling algorithm to generate robust multi-fidelity traversability estimates in real-time. The proposed approach was deployed on multiple physical systems including skid-steer and tracked robots, a high-speed RC car and legged robots, as a part of Team CoSTARs effort to the DARPA Subterranean Challenge, where the team won 2nd and 1st place in the Tunnel and Urban Circuits, respectively.
Deep reinforcement learning (RL) uses model-free techniques to optimize task-specific control policies. Despite having emerged as a promising approach for complex problems, RL is still hard to use reliably for real-world applications. Apart from challenges such as precise reward function tuning, inaccurate sensing and actuation, and non-deterministic response, existing RL methods do not guarantee behavior within required safety constraints that are crucial for real robot scenarios. In this regard, we introduce guided constrained policy optimization (GCPO), an RL framework based upon our implementation of constrained proximal policy optimization (CPPO) for tracking base velocity commands while following the defined constraints. We also introduce schemes which encourage state recovery into constrained regions in case of constraint violations. We present experimental results of our training method and test it on the real ANYmal quadruped robot. We compare our approach against the unconstrained RL method and show that guided constrained RL offers faster convergence close to the desired optimum resulting in an optimal, yet physically feasible, robotic control behavior without the need for precise reward function tuning.
This paper presents a novel algorithm, called $epsilon^*$+, for online coverage path planning of unknown environments using energy-constrained autonomous vehicles. Due to limited battery size, the energy-constrained vehicles have limited duration of operation time. Therefore, while executing a coverage trajectory, the vehicle has to return to the charging station for a recharge before the battery runs out. In this regard, the $epsilon^*$+ algorithm enables the vehicle to retreat back to the charging station based on the remaining energy which is monitored throughout the coverage process. This is followed by an advance trajectory that takes the vehicle to a near by unexplored waypoint to restart the coverage process, instead of taking it back to the previous left over point of the retreat trajectory; thus reducing the overall coverage time. The proposed $epsilon^*$+ algorithm is an extension of the $epsilon^*$ algorithm, which utilizes an Exploratory Turing Machine (ETM) as a supervisor to navigate the vehicle with back and forth trajectory for complete coverage. The performance of the $epsilon^*$+ algorithm is validated on complex scenarios using Player/Stage which is a high-fidelity robotic simulator.