A new Lagrange multiplier approach for constructing structure preserving schemes, I. positivity preserving

Abstract in English

We propose a new Lagrange multiplier approach to construct positivity preserving schemes for parabolic type equations. The new approach introduces a space-time Lagrange multiplier to enforce the positivity with the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions. We then use a predictor-corrector approach to construct a class of positivity schemes: with a generic semi-implicit or implicit scheme as the prediction step, and the correction step, which enforces the positivity, can be implemented with negligible cost. We also present a modification which allows us to construct schemes which, in addition to positivity preserving, is also mass conserving. This new approach is not restricted to any particular spatial discretization and can be combined with various time discretization schemes. We establish stability results for our first- and second-order schemes under a general setting, and present ample numerical results to validate the new approach.
