A note on 1-2-3 and 1-2 Conjectures for 3-regular graphs

Abstract in English

The 1-2-3 Conjecture, posed by Karo{n}ski, {L}uczak and Thomason, asked whether every connected graph $G$ different from $K_2$ can be 3-edge-weighted so that every two adjacent vertices of $G$ get distinct sums of incident weights. The 1-2 Conjecture states that if vertices also receive colors and the vertex color is added to the sum of its incident edges, then adjacent vertices can be distinguished using only ${ 1,2}$. In this paper we confirm 1-2 Conjecture for 3-regular graphs. Meanwhile, we show that every 3-regular graph can achieve a neighbor sum distinguishing edge coloring by using 4 colors, which answers 1-2-3 Conjecture positively.
