Non-Parametric Neuro-Adaptive Control Subject to Task Specifications

Abstract in English

We develop a learning-based algorithm for the control of robotic systems governed by unknown, nonlinear dynamics to satisfy tasks expressed as signal temporal logic specifications. Most existing algorithms either assume certain parametric forms for the dynamic terms or resort to unnecessarily large control inputs (e.g., using reciprocal functions) in order to provide theoretical guarantees. The proposed algorithm avoids the aforementioned drawbacks by innovatively integrating neural network-based learning with adaptive control. More specifically, the algorithm learns a controller, represented as a neural network, using training data that correspond to a collection of different tasks and robot parameters. It then incorporates this neural network into an online closed-loop adaptive control mechanism in such a way that the resulting behavior satisfies a user-defined task. The proposed algorithm does not use any information on the unknown dynamic terms or any approximation schemes. We provide formal theoretical guarantees on the satisfaction of the task and we demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm in a virtual simulator using a 6-DOF robotic manipulator.
