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Analytic linearization of a generalization of the semi-standard map: radius of convergence and Brjuno sum

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 Added by Claire Chavaudret
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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One considers a system on $mathbb{C}^2$ close to an invariant curve which can be viewed as a generalization of the semi-standard map to a trigonometric polynomial with many Fourier modes. The radius of convergence of an analytic linearization of the system around the invariant curve is bounded from below by $exp(-frac{2}{d}B(dalpha)-C)$, where $Cgeq 0$ does not depend on $alpha$, $din mathbb{N}^*$ and $alpha$ is the frequency of the linear part. For a class of trigonometric polynomials, it is also bounded from above by a similar function. The error function is non decreasing with respect to the smallest coefficient of the trigonometric polynomial.

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We consider holomorphic maps defined in an annulus around $mathbb R/mathbb Z$ in $mathbb C/mathbb Z$. E. Risler proved that in a generic analytic family of such maps $f_zeta$ that contains a Brjuno rotation $f_0(z)=z+alpha$, all maps that are conjugate to this rotation form a codimension-1 analytic submanifold near $f_0$. In this paper, we obtain the Rislers result as a corollary of the following construction. We introduce a renormalization operator on the space of univalent maps in a neighborhood of $mathbb R/mathbb Z$. We prove that this operator is hyperbolic, with one unstable direction corresponding to translations. We further use a holomorphic motions argument and Yoccozs theorem to show that its stable foliation consists of diffeomorphisms that are conjugate to rotations.
This work is devoted to the development and analysis of a linearization algorithm for microscopic elliptic equations, with scaled degenerate production, posed in a perforated medium and constrained by the homogeneous Neumann-Dirichlet boundary conditions. This technique plays two roles: to guarantee the unique weak solvability of the microscopic problem and to provide a fine approximation in the macroscopic setting. The scheme systematically relies on the choice of a stabilization parameter in such a way as to guarantee the strong convergence in $H^1$ norm for both the microscopic and macroscopic problems. In the standard variational setting, we prove the $H^1$-type contraction at the micro-scale based on the energy method. Meanwhile, we adopt the classical homogenization result in line with corrector estimate to show the convergence of the scheme at the macro-scale. In the numerical section, we use the standard finite element method to assess the efficiency and convergence of our proposed algorithm.
170 - Karl-Olof Lindahl 2013
We find the exact radius of linearization disks at indifferent fixed points of quadratic maps in $mathbb{C}_p$. We also show that the radius is invariant under power series perturbations. Localizing all periodic orbits of these quadratic-like maps we then show that periodic points are not the only obstruction for linearization. In so doing, we provide the first known examples in the dynamics of polynomials over $mathbb{C}_p$ where the boundary of the linearization disk does not contain any periodic point.
We prove that a hyperbolic Dulac germ with complex coefficients in its expansion is linearizable on a standard quadratic domain and that the linearizing coordinate is again a complex Dulac germ. The proof uses results about normal forms of hyperbolic transseries from another work of the authors.
We study global properties of the global (center-)stable manifold of a normally attracting invariant manifold (NAIM), the special case of a normally hyperbolic invariant manifold (NHIM) with empty unstable bundle. We restrict our attention to continuous-time dynamical systems, or flows. We show that the global stable foliation of a NAIM has the structure of a topological disk bundle, and that similar statements hold for inflowing NAIMs and for general compact NHIMs. Furthermore, the global stable foliation has a $C^k$ disk bundle structure if the local stable foliation is assumed $C^k$. We then show that the dynamics restricted to the stable manifold of a compact inflowing NAIM are globally topologically conjugate to the linearized transverse dynamics at the NAIM. Moreover, we give conditions ensuring the existence of a global $C^k$ linearizing conjugacy. We also prove a $C^k$ global linearization result for inflowing NAIMs; we believe that even the local version of this result is new, and may be useful in applications to slow-fast systems. We illustrate the theory by giving applications to geometric singular perturbation theory in the case of an attracting critical manifold: we show that the domain of the Fenichel Normal Form can be extended to the entire global stable manifold, and under additional nonresonance assumptions we derive a smooth global linear normal form.
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