3-dimensional $Lambda$-BMS Symmetry and its Deformations

Abstract in English

In this paper, we study quantum group deformations of the infinite-dimensional symmetry algebra of asymptotically AdS spacetimes in three dimensions. Building on previous results in the finite-dimensional subalgebras we classify all possible Lie bialgebra structures and for selected examples, we explicitly construct the related Hopf algebras. Using cohomological arguments we show that this construction can always be performed by a so-called twist deformation. The resulting structures can be compared to the well-known $kappa$-Poincare Hopf algebras constructed on the finite-dimensional Poincare or (anti) de Sitter algebra. The dual $kappa$ Minkowski spacetime is supposed to describe a specific non-commutative geometry. Importantly, we find that some incarnations of the $kappa$-Poincare can not be extended consistently to the infinite-dimensional algebras. Furthermore, certain deformations can have potential physical applications if subalgebras are considered. The presence of the full symmetry algebra might have observable consequences that could be used to rule out these deformations.
