Formation of electron velocity space distribution functions allowing radioastronomical diagnostics of kinetic magnetic reconnection

Abstract in English

Magnetic reconnection can convert magnetic energy into kinetic energy of non-thermal electron beams. We have now characterized the EVDFs generated by 3D kinetic magnetic reconnection obtained by numerical simulations utilizing the ACRONYM particle-in-cell (PIC) code, and their consequences for plasma instabilities which differ from those of 2D kinetic magnetic reconnection, since in 3D unstable waves can propagate in all directions. We found that: (1) In both diffusion region and separatrices of reconnection, EVDFs with positive velocity-space gradients in the direction parallel to the local magnetic field are formed. These gradients can cause counter-streaming and bump-on-tail instabilities. (2) In regions with weak magnetic field strength, namely, regions near the current sheet midplane, EVDF with positive velocity space gradients are generated in the direction perpendicular to the local magnetic field. In particular crescent-shaped EVDFs in the velocity space perpendicular to local magnetic field are mainly formed in the diffusion region of reconnection. These perpendicular gradients in the EVDFs can cause electron cyclotron maser instabilities. (3) As guide-field strength increases, less regions in the current sheets feature perpendicular velocity-space gradients in the EVDFs. The formation of EVDFs with positive gradients in the parallel (magnetic field-aligned) direction is mainly due to magnetized and adiabatic electrons, while EVDFs with positive gradients in the direction perpendicular to the local magnetic field are attributed to unmagnetized, nonadiabatic electrons in the diffusion and outflow region near the reconnection midplane.
