End-to-End Task-Oriented Dialog Modeling with Semi-Structured Knowledge Management

Abstract in English

Current task-oriented dialog (TOD) systems mostly manage structured knowledge (e.g. databases and tables) to guide the goal-oriented conversations. However, they fall short of handling dialogs which also involve unstructured knowledge (e.g. reviews and documents). In this paper, we formulate a task of modeling TOD grounded on a fusion of structured and unstructured knowledge. To address this task, we propose a TOD system with semi-structured knowledge management, SeKnow, which extends the belief state to manage knowledge with both structured and unstructured contents. Furthermore, we introduce two implementations of SeKnow based on a non-pretrained sequence-to-sequence model and a pretrained language model, respectively. Both implementations use the end-to-end manner to jointly optimize dialog modeling grounded on structured and unstructured knowledge. We conduct experiments on the modified version of MultiWOZ 2.1 dataset, where dialogs are processed to involve semi-structured knowledge. Experimental results show that SeKnow has strong performances in both end-to-end dialog and intermediate knowledge management, compared to existing TOD systems and their extensions with pipeline knowledge management schemes.
