Confidence-Aware Learning for Camouflaged Object Detection

Abstract in English

Confidence-aware learning is proven as an effective solution to prevent networks becoming overconfident. We present a confidence-aware camouflaged object detection framework using dynamic supervision to produce both accurate camouflage map and meaningful confidence representing model awareness about the current prediction. A camouflaged object detection network is designed to produce our camouflage prediction. Then, we concatenate it with the input image and feed it to the confidence estimation network to produce an one channel confidence map.We generate dynamic supervision for the confidence estimation network, representing the agreement of camouflage prediction with the ground truth camouflage map. With the produced confidence map, we introduce confidence-aware learning with the confidence map as guidance to pay more attention to the hard/low-confidence pixels in the loss function. We claim that, once trained, our confidence estimation network can evaluate pixel-wise accuracy of the prediction without relying on the ground truth camouflage map. Extensive results on four camouflaged object detection testing datasets illustrate the superior performance of the proposed model in explaining the camouflage prediction.
