Gradient flow exact renormalization group -- inclusion of fermion fields

Abstract in English

The gradient flow exact renormalization group (GFERG) is an exact renormalization group motivated by the Yang--Mills gradient flow and its salient feature is a manifest gauge invariance. We generalize this GFERG, originally formulated for the pure Yang--Mills theory, to vector-like gauge theories containing fermion fields, keeping the manifest gauge invariance. For the chiral symmetry we have two options: one possible formulation preserves the conventional form of the chiral symmetry and the other simpler formulation realizes the chiral symmetry in a modified form `a la Ginsparg--Wilson. We work out a gauge-invariant local Wilson action in quantum electrodynamics to the lowest nontrivial order of perturbation theory. This Wilson action reproduces the correct axial anomaly in~$D=2$.
