Effect of beam mode-beating on non-equilibrium laser-generated plasmas

Abstract in English

A non-equilibrium model for laser-induced plasmas is used to describe how nano-second temporal mode-beating affects plasma kernel formation and growth in quiescent air. The chemically reactive Navier-Stokes equations describe the hydrodynamics, and non-equilibrium effects are modeled based on a two-temperature model. Inverse Bremsstrahlung and multiphoton ionization are self-consistently taken into account via a coupled solution of the equations governing plasma dynamics and beam propagation and attenuation (i.e., Radiative Transfer Equation). This strategy, despite the additional challenges it may bring, allows to minimize empiricism and enables for more accurate simulations since it does not require an artificial plasma seed to trigger breakdown. The benefits of this methodology are demonstrated by the good agreement between the predicted and the experimental plasma boundary evolution and absorbed energy. The same goes for the periodic plasma kernel structures which, as suggested by experiments and confirmed by the simulations discussed here, are linked to the modulating frequency.
