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Spherically symmetric exact vacuum solutions in Einstein-aether theory

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 Added by Anzhong Wang
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We study spherically symmetric spacetimes in Einstein-aether theory in three different coordinate systems, the isotropic, Painlev`e-Gullstrand, and Schwarzschild coordinates, in which the aether is always comoving, and present both time-dependent and time-independent exact vacuum solutions. In particular, in the isotropic coordinates we find a class of exact static solutions characterized by a single parameter $c_{14}$ in closed forms, which satisfies all the current observational constraints of the theory, and reduces to the Schwarzschild vacuum black hole solution in the decoupling limit ($c_{14} = 0$). However, as long as $c_{14} ot= 0$, a marginally trapped throat with a finite non-zero radius always exists, and in one side of it the spacetime is asymptotically flat, while in the other side the spacetime becomes singular within a finite proper distance from the throat, although the geometric area is infinitely large at the singularity. Moreover, the singularity is a strong and spacetime curvature singularity, at which both of the Ricci and Kretschmann scalars become infinitely large.

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83 - Chao Zhang , Xiang Zhao , Kai Lin 2020
In this paper, we systematically study spherically symmetric static spacetimes in the framework of Einstein-aether theory, and pay particular attention to the existence of black holes (BHs). In the present studies we first clarify several subtle issues. In particular, we find that, out of the five non-trivial field equations, only three are independent, so the problem is well-posed, as now generically there are only three unknown functions, {$F(r), B(r), A(r)$, where $F$ and $B$ are metric coefficients, and $A$ describes the aether field.} In addition, the two second-order differential equations for $A$ and $F$ are independent of $B$, and once they are found, $B$ is given simply by an algebraic expression of $F,; A$ and their derivatives. To simplify the problem further, we explore the symmetry of field redefinitions, and work first with the redefined metric and aether field, and then obtain the physical ones by the inverse transformations. These clarifications significantly simplify the computational labor, which is important, as the problem is highly involved mathematically. In fact, it is exactly because of these, we find various numerical BH solutions with an accuracy that is at least two orders higher than previous ones. More important, these BH solutions are the only ones that satisfy the self-consistent conditions and meantime are consistent with all the observational constraints obtained so far. The locations of universal horizons are also identified, together with several other observationally interesting quantities, such as the innermost stable circular orbits (ISCO), the ISCO frequency, and the maximum redshift $z_{max}$ of a photon emitted by a source orbiting the ISCO. All of these quantities are found to be quite close to their relativistic limits.
In the present work we analyze all the possible spherically symmetric exterior vacuum solutions allowed by the Einstein-Aether theory with static aether. We show that there are four classes of solutions corresponding to different values of a combination of the free parameters, $c_{14}=c_1+c_4$, which are: $ 0 < c_{14}<2$, $c_{14} < 0$, $c_{14}=2$ and $c_{14}=0$. We present explicit analytical solutions for $c_{14}=3/2, 16/9, 48/25, -16, 2$ and $0$. The first case has some pathological behavior, while the rest have all singularities at $r=0$ and are asymptotically flat spacetimes. For the solutions $c_{14}=16/9, 48/25, mathrm{, and ,}, -16$ we show that there exist no horizons, neither Killing nor universal horizon, thus we have naked singularities. Finally, the solution for $c_{14}=2$ has a metric component as an arbitrary function of radial coordinate, when it is chosen to be the same as in the Schwarzschild case, we have a physical singularity at finite radius, besides the one at $r=0$. This characteristic is completely different from General Relativity.
We investigate spherically symmetric cosmological models in Einstein-aether theory with a tilted (non-comoving) perfect fluid source. We use a 1+3 frame formalism and adopt the comoving aether gauge to derive the evolution equations, which form a well-posed system of first order partial differential equations in two variables. We then introduce normalized variables. The formalism is particularly well-suited for numerical computations and the study of the qualitative properties of the models, which are also solutions of Horava gravity. We study the local stability of the equilibrium points of the resulting dynamical system corresponding to physically realistic inhomogeneous cosmological models and astrophysical objects with values for the parameters which are consistent with current constraints. In particular, we consider dust models in ($beta-$) normalized variables and derive a reduced (closed) evolution system and we obtain the general evolution equations for the spatially homogeneous Kantowski-Sachs models using appropriate bounded normalized variables. We then analyse these models, with special emphasis on the future asymptotic behaviour for different values of the parameters. Finally, we investigate static models for a mixture of a (necessarily non-tilted) perfect fluid with a barotropic equations of state and a scalar field.
The Einstein-Aether (EA) theory belongs to a class of modified gravity theories characterized by the introduction of a time-like unit vector field, called aether. In this scenario, a preferred frame arises as a natural consequence of a broken Lorentz invariance. In the present work we have obtained and analyzed some exact solutions allowed by this theory for two particular cases of perfect fluid, both with Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) symmetry: (i) a fluid with constant energy density ($p=-rho_0$), and (ii) a fluid with zero energy density ($rho_0=0$), corresponding to the vacuum solution with and without cosmological constant ($Lambda$), respectively. Our solutions show that the EA and GR theories do not differentiate each other only by the coupling constants. This difference is clearly shown because of the existence of singularities that there are not in GR theory. This characteristic appears in the solutions with $p=-rho_0$ as well as with $rho_0=0$, where this last one depends only on the aether field. Besides, we consider the term of the EA theory in the Raychaudhuri equation and discuss the meaning of the strong energy condition in this scenario and found that this depends on aether field. The solutions admit an expanding or contracting system. A bounce, a singular, a constant and an accelerated expansion solutions were also obtained, exhibiting the richness of the EA theory from the dynamic point of view of a collapsing system or of a cosmological model. The analysis of energy conditions, considering an effective fluid shows that the term of the aether contributes significantly for the accelerated expansion of the system for the case in which the energy density is constant. On the other hand, for the vacuum case ($rho_0=0$), the energy conditions are all satisfied for the aether fluid.
241 - Changjun Gao , You-Gen Shen 2013
By using of the Euler-Lagrange equations, we find a static spherically symmetric solution in the Einstein-aether theory with the coupling constants restricted. The solution is similar to the Reissner-Nordstrom solution in that it has an inner Cauchy horizon and an outer black hole event horizon. But a remarkable difference from the Reissner-Nordstrom solution is that it is not asymptotically flat but approaches a two dimensional sphere. The resulting electric potential is regular in the whole spacetime except for the curvature singularity. On the other hand, the magnetic potential is divergent on both Cauchy horizon and the outer event horizon.
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