Evolving Image Compositions for Feature Representation Learning

Abstract in English

Convolutional neural networks for visual recognition require large amounts of training samples and usually benefit from data augmentation. This paper proposes PatchMix, a data augmentation method that creates new samples by composing patches from pairs of images in a grid-like pattern. These new samples ground truth labels are set as proportional to the number of patches from each image. We then add a set of additional losses at the patch-level to regularize and to encourage good representations at both the patch and image levels. A ResNet-50 model trained on ImageNet using PatchMix exhibits superior transfer learning capabilities across a wide array of benchmarks. Although PatchMix can rely on random pairings and random grid-like patterns for mixing, we explore evolutionary search as a guiding strategy to discover optimal grid-like patterns and image pairing jointly. For this purpose, we conceive a fitness function that bypasses the need to re-train a model to evaluate each choice. In this way, PatchMix outperforms a base model on CIFAR-10 (+1.91), CIFAR-100 (+5.31), Tiny Imagenet (+3.52), and ImageNet (+1.16) by significant margins, also outperforming previous state-of-the-art pairwise augmentation strategies.
