On the unsteady and lineal translation of a sphere through a viscoelastic fluid

Abstract in English

The unsteady, lineal translation of a solid spherical particle through viscoelastic fluids described by the Johnson-Segalman and Giesekus models is studied analytically. Solutions for the pressure and velocity fields as well as the force on the particle are expanded as a power series in the Weissenberg number. The momentum balance and constitutive equation are solved asymptotically for a steadily translating particle up to second order in the particle velocity, and rescaling of the pressure and velocity in the frequency domain is used to relate the solutions for steady lineal translation to those for unsteady lineal translation. The unsteady force at third order in the particle velocity is then calculated through application of the Lorentz reciprocal theorem, and it is shown that this weakly nonlinear contribution to the force can be expressed as part of a Volterra series. Through a series of examples, it is shown that a truncated representation of this Volterra series, which can be manipulated to describe the velocity in terms of an imposed force, is useful for analyzing specific time-dependent particle motions. Two examples studied using this relationship are the force on a particle suddenly set into motion and the velocity of a particle in response to a suddenly imposed steady force. Additionally, the weakly nonlinear response of particle captured by a harmonic trap moving lineally through the fluid is computed. This is an analog to active microrheology experiments, and can be used to explain how weakly nonlinear responses manifest in active microrheology experiments with spherical probes.
