A Methodology For Creating Information Flow Specifications of Hardware Designs

Abstract in English

We present a methodology for creating information flow specifications of hardware designs. Such specifications can help designers better understand their design and are necessary for security validation processes. By combining information flow tracking and specification mining, we are able to produce information flow properties of a design without prior knowledge of security agreements or specifications. We develop a tool, Isadora, to evaluate our methodology. We demonstrate Isadora may define the information flows within an access control module in isolation and within an SoC and over a RISC-V design. Over the access control module, Isadora mined output completely covers an assertion based security specification of the design provided by the designers. For both the access control module and RISC-V, we sample Isadora output properties and find 10 out of 10 and 8 out of 10 properties, respectively, define the design behavior to relevant to a Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE). We find our methodology may independently mine security properties manually developed by hardware designers, automatically generate properties describing CWEs over a design, and scale to SoC and CPU designs.
