Masses and decay constants of the $eta$ and $eta^prime$ mesons from lattice QCD

Abstract in English

We determine the masses, the singlet and octet decay constants as well as the anomalous matrix elements of the $eta$ and $eta^prime$ mesons in $N_f=2+1$ QCD@. The results are obtained using twenty-one CLS ensembles of non-perturbatively improved Wilson fermions that span four lattice spacings ranging from $aapprox 0.086,$fm down to $aapprox 0.050,$fm. The pion masses vary from $M_{pi}=420,$MeV to $126,$MeV and the spatial lattice extents $L_s$ are such that $L_sM_pigtrsim 4$, avoiding significant finite volume effects. The quark mass dependence of the data is tightly constrained by employing two trajectories in the quark mass plane, enabling a thorough investigation of U($3$) large-$N_c$ chiral perturbation theory (ChPT). The continuum limit extrapolated data turn out to be reasonably well described by the next-to-leading order ChPT parametrization and the respective low energy constants are determined. The data are shown to be consistent with the singlet axial Ward identity and, for the first time, also the matrix elements with the topological charge density are computed. We also derive the corresponding next-to-leading order large-$N_{c}$ ChPT formulae. We find $F^8 = 115.0(2.8)~text{MeV}$, $theta_{8} = -25.8(2.3)^{circ}$, $theta_0 = -8.1(1.8)^{circ}$ and, in the $overline{mathrm{MS}}$ scheme for $N_f=3$, $F^{0}(mu = 2,mathrm{GeV}) = 100.1(3.0)~text{MeV}$, where the decay constants read $F^8_eta=F^8cos theta_8$, $F^8_{eta^prime}=F^8sin theta_8$, $F^0_eta=-F^0sin theta_0$ and $F^0_{eta^prime}=F^0cos theta_0$. For the gluonic matrix elements, we obtain $a_{eta}(mu = 2,mathrm{GeV}) = 0.0170(10),mathrm{GeV}^{3}$ and $a_{eta^{prime}}(mu = 2,mathrm{GeV}) = 0.0381(84),mathrm{GeV}^{3}$, where statistical and all systematic errors are added in quadrature.
