Computing Light-Front Wave Functions Without Light-Front Quantization: A Large-Momentum Effective Theory Approach

Abstract in English

Light-front wave functions play a fundamental role in the light-front quantization approach to QCD and hadron structure. However, a naive implementation of the light-front quantization suffers from various subtleties including the well-known zero-mode problem, the associated rapidity divergences which mixes ultra-violet divergences with infrared physics, as well as breaking of spatial rotational symmetry. We advocate that the light-front quantization should be viewed as an effective theory in which small $k^+$ modes have been effectively ``integrated out, with an infinite number of renormalization constants. Instead of solving light-front quantized field theories directly, we make the large momentum expansion of the equal-time Euclidean correlation functions in instant quantization as an effective way to systematically calculate light-front correlations, including the light-front wave function amplitudes. This large-momentum effective theory accomplishes an effective light-front quantization through lattice QCD calculations. We demonstrate our approach using an example of a pseudo-scalar meson wave function.
