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Data scientists across disciplines are increasingly in need of exploratory analysis tools for data sets with a high volume of features. We expand upon graph mining approaches for exploratory analysis of high-dimensional data to introduce Sirius, a visualization package for researchers to explore feature relationships among mixed data types using mutual information and network backbone sparsification. Visualizations of feature relationships aid data scientists in finding meaningful dependence among features, which can engender further analysis for feature selection, feature extraction, projection, identification of proxy variables, or insight into temporal variation at the macro scale. Graph mining approaches for feature analysis exist, such as association networks of binary features, or correlation networks of quantitative features, but mixed data types present a unique challenge for developing comprehensive feature networks for exploratory analysis. Using an information theoretic approach, Sirius supports heterogeneous data sets consisting of binary, continuous quantitative, and discrete categorical data types, and provides a user interface exploring feature pairs with high mutual information scores. We leverage a backbone sparsification approach from network theory as a dimensionality reduction technique, which probabilistically trims edges according to the local network context. Sirius is an open source Python package and Django web application for exploratory visualization, which can be deployed in data analysis pipelines. The Sirius codebase and exemplary data sets can be found at:
Data exploration systems that provide differential privacy must manage a privacy budget that measures the amount of privacy lost across multiple queries. One effective strategy to manage the privacy budget is to compute a one-time private synopsis of the data, to which users can make an unlimited number of queries. However, existing systems using synopses are built for offline use cases, where a set of queries is known ahead of time and the system carefully optimizes a synopsis for it. The synopses that these systems build are costly to compute and may also be costly to store. We introduce Overlook, a system that enables private data exploration at interactive latencies for both data analysts and data curators. The key idea in Overlook is a virtual synopsis that can be evaluated incrementally, without extra space storage or expensive precomputation. Overlook simply executes queries using an existing engine, such as a SQL DBMS, and adds noise to their results. Because Overlooks synopses do not require costly precomputation or storage, data curators can also use Overlook to explore the impact of privacy parameters interactively. Overlook offers a rich visual query interface based on the open source Hillview system. Overlook achieves accuracy comparable to existing synopsis-based systems, while offering better performance and removing the need for extra storage.
Exploratory data science largely happens in computational notebooks with dataframe API, such as pandas, that support flexible means to transform, clean, and analyze data. Yet, visually exploring data in dataframes remains tedious, requiring substantial programming effort for visualization and mental effort to determine what analysis to perform next. We propose Lux, an always-on framework for accelerating visual insight discovery in data science workflows. When users print a dataframe in their notebooks, Lux recommends visualizations to provide a quick overview of the patterns and trends and suggests promising analysis directions. Lux features a high-level language for generating visualizations on-demand to encourage rapid visual experimentation with data. We demonstrate that through the use of a careful design and three system optimizations, Lux adds no more than two seconds of overhead on top of pandas for over 98% of datasets in the UCI repository. We evaluate Lux in terms of usability via a controlled first-use study and interviews with early adopters, finding that Lux helps fulfill the needs of data scientists for visualization support within their dataframe workflows. Lux has already been embraced by data science practitioners, with over 1.9k stars on Github within its first 15 months.
Longitudinal studies of a binary outcome are common in the health, social, and behavioral sciences. In general, a feature of random effects logistic regression models for longitudinal binary data is that the marginal functional form, when integrated over the distribution of the random effects, is no longer of logistic form. Recently, Wang and Louis [Biometrika 90 (2003) 765--775] proposed a random intercept model in the clustered binary data setting where the marginal model has a logistic form. An acknowledged limitation of their model is that it allows only a single random effect that varies from cluster to cluster. In this paper we propose a modification of their model to handle longitudinal data, allowing separate, but correlated, random intercepts at each measurement occasion. The proposed model allows for a flexible correlation structure among the random intercepts, where the correlations can be interpreted in terms of Kendalls $tau$. For example, the marginal correlations among the repeated binary outcomes can decline with increasing time separation, while the model retains the property of having matching conditional and marginal logit link functions. Finally, the proposed method is used to analyze data from a longitudinal study designed to monitor cardiac abnormalities in children born to HIV-infected women.
Mass cytometry technology enables the simultaneous measurement of over 40 proteins on single cells. This has helped immunologists to increase their understanding of heterogeneity, complexity, and lineage relationships of white blood cells. Current statistical methods often collapse the rich single-cell data into summary statistics before proceeding with downstream analysis, discarding the information in these multivariate datasets. In this article, our aim is to exhibit the use of statistical analyses on the raw, uncompressed data thus improving replicability, and exposing multivariate patterns and their associated uncertainty profiles. We show that multivariate generative models are a valid alternative to univariate hypothesis testing. We propose two models: a multivariate Poisson log-normal mixed model and a logistic linear mixed model. We show that these models are complementary and that either model can account for different confounders. We use Hamiltonian Monte Carlo to provide Bayesian uncertainty quantification. Our models applied to a recent pregnancy study successfully reproduce key findings while quantifying increased overall protein-to-protein correlations between first and third trimester.
The availability of mobile technologies has enabled the efficient collection prospective longitudinal, ecologically valid self-reported mood data from psychiatric patients. These data streams have potential for improving the efficiency and accuracy of psychiatric diagnosis as well predicting future mood states enabling earlier intervention. However, missing responses are common in such datasets and there is little consensus as to how this should be dealt with in practice. A signature-based method was used to capture different elements of self-reported mood alongside missing data to both classify diagnostic group and predict future mood in patients with bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder and healthy controls. The missing-response-incorporated signature-based method achieves roughly 66% correct diagnosis, with f1 scores for three different clinic groups 59% (bipolar disorder), 75% (healthy control) and 61% (borderline personality disorder) respectively. This was significantly more efficient than the naive model which excluded missing data. Accuracies of predicting subsequent mood states and scores were also improved by inclusion of missing responses. The signature method provided an effective approach to the analysis of prospectively collected mood data where missing data was common and should be considered as an approach in other similar datasets.