Convergence of the Environment Seen from Geodesics in Exponential Last-Passage Percolation

Abstract in English

A well-known question in the planar first-passage percolation model concerns the convergence of the empirical distribution along geodesics. We demonstrate this convergence for an explicit model, directed last-passage percolation on $mathbb{Z}^2$ with i.i.d. exponential weights, and provide explicit formulae for the limiting distributions, which depend on the asymptotic direction. For example, for geodesics in the direction of the diagonal, the limiting weight distribution has density $(1/4+x/2+x^2/8)e^{-x}$, and so is a mixture of Gamma($1,1$), Gamma($2,1$) and Gamma($3,1$) distributions with weights $1/4$, $1/2$, and $1/4$ respectively. More generally, we study the local environment as seen from vertices along the geodesics (including information about the shape of the path and about the weights on and off the path in a local neighborhood). We consider finite geodesics from $(0,0)$ to $nboldsymbol{rho}$ for some vector $boldsymbol{rho}$ in the first quadrant, in the limit as $ntoinfty$, as well as the semi-infinite geodesic in direction $boldsymbol{rho}$. We show almost sure convergence of the empirical distributions along the geodesic, as well as convergence of the distribution around a typical point, and we give an explicit description of the limiting distribution. We make extensive use of a correspondence with TASEP as seen from a single second-class particle for which we prove new results concerning ergodicity and convergence to equilibrium. Our analysis relies on geometric arguments involving estimates for the last-passage time, available from the integrable probability literature.
