Electronic structure of superconducting nickelates probed by resonant photoemission spectroscopy

Abstract in English

The discovery of infinite-layer nickelate superconductors has spurred enormous interest. While the Ni$^{1+}$ cations possess nominally the same 3d$^9$ configuration as Cu$^{2+}$ in high-$T_C$ cuprates, the electronic structure consistencies and variances remain elusive, due to the lack of direct experimental probes. Here, we present a soft x-ray photoemission spectroscopy study on both parent and doped infinite-layer Pr-nickelate thin films with a doped perovskite reference. By identifying the Ni character with resonant photoemission and comparison to density function theory + U calculations, we estimate U ~ 5 eV, smaller than the charge transfer energy $Delta$ ~ 8 eV, in contrast to the cuprates being charge transfer insulators. Near the Fermi level (EF), we observe a signature of rare-earth spectral intensity in the parent compound, which is depleted upon doping. The parent compound, self-doped from rare-earth electrons, exhibits higher density of states at EF but manifests weaker superconducting instability than the Sr-doped case, demonstrating a complex interplay between the strongly-correlated Ni 3d and the weakly-interacting rare-earth 5d states in these oxide-intermetallic nickelates.
