Authentication of Metropolitan Quantum Key Distribution Network with Post-quantum Cryptography

Abstract in English

Quantum key distribution (QKD) provides information theoretically secures key exchange requiring authentication of the classic data processing channel via pre-sharing of symmetric private keys. In previous studies, the lattice-based post-quantum digital signature algorithm Aigis-Sig, combined with public-key infrastructure (PKI) was used to achieve high-efficiency quantum security authentication of QKD, and its advantages in simplifying the MAN network structure and new user entry were demonstrated. This experiment further integrates the PQC algorithm into the commercial QKD system, the Jinan field metropolitan QKD network comprised of 14 user nodes and 5 optical switching nodes. The feasibility, effectiveness and stability of the post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithm and advantages of replacing trusted relays with optical switching brought by PQC authentication large-scale metropolitan area QKD network were verified. QKD with PQC authentication has potential in quantum-secure communications, specifically in metropolitan QKD networks.
