Solid/Liquid Phase Transition and Heat Engine in Asymptotically Flat Schwarzschild Black Hole via the Renyi Extended Phase Space Approach

Abstract in English

Recently, it has been found that, with the Renyi statistics, the asymptotically flat Schwarzschild black hole can be in thermal equilibrium with infinite heat reservior at a fixed temperature when its event horizon radius is larger than the characteristic length scale $L_lambda=1/sqrt{pi lambda}$, where $lambda$ is the nonextensivity parameter. In the Renyi extended phase space with the $PdV$ work term, an off-shell free energy in the canonical ensemble with the thermodynamic volume as an order parameter is considered to identify a first-order Hawking-Page (HP) phase transition as a solid/liquid phase transition. It has the latent heat of fusion from solid (corresponding to thermal radiation) to liquid (corresponding to black hole) in the form of $sim 1/sqrt{lambda}$; this is evident of the absence of the HP phase transition in the case of asymptotically flat Schwarzschild black hole from the GB statistics ($lambda=0$). Moreover, we investigate the generalized second law of black hole thermodynamics (GSL) in Renyi statistics by considering the black hole as a working substance in heat engine. Interestingly, an efficiency $eta$ of the black hole in a Carnot cycle takes the form $eta_c=1-T_text{C}/T_text{H}$. This confirms the validity of the GSL in the Renyi extended phase space.
