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Guided by the recent discovery of SU($2$)$_1$ and SU($3$)$_1$ chiral spin liquids on the square lattice, we propose a family of generic time-reversal symmetry breaking SU($N$)-symmetric models, of arbitrary $Nge 2$, in the fundamental representation, with short-range interactions extending at most to triangular units. The evidence for Abelian chiral spin liquid (CSL) phases in such models is obtained via a combination of complementary numerical methods such as exact diagonalizations (ED), infinite density matrix renormalization group (iDMRG) and infinite Projected Entangled Pair State (iPEPS). Extensive ED on small clusters are carried out up to $N=10$, revealing (in some range of the Hamiltonian parameters) a bulk gap and ground-state degeneracy on periodic clusters as well as linear dispersing chiral modes on the edge of open systems, whose level counting is in full agreement with SU($N$)$_1$ Wess-Zumino-Witten conformal field theory predictions. Using an SU($N$)-symmetric version of iDMRG for $N=2,3$ and $4$ to compute entanglement spectra on (infinitely-long) cylinders in all topological sectors, we provide additional unambiguous signatures of the SU($N$)$_1$ character of the chiral liquids. An SU($4$)-symmetric chiral PEPS is shown to provide a good variational ansatz of the $N=4$ ground state, constructed in a manner similar to its $N=2$ and $N=3$ analogs. The entanglement spectra in all topological sectors of an infinitely long cylinder reveal specific features of the chiral edge modes originating from the PEPS holographic bulk-edge correspondence. Results for the correlation lengths suggest some form of long-range correlations in SU($N$) chiral PEPS, which nevertheless do not preclude an accurate representation of the gapped SU($N$) CSL phases. Finally, we discuss the possible observation of such Abelian CSL in ultracold atom setups.
We report that a possible Z2 quantum spin liquid (QSL) can be observed in a new class of frustrated system: spinor bosons subject to a pi flux in a square lattice. We construct a new class of Ginsburg-Landau (GL) type of effective action to classify possible quantum or topological phases at any coupling strengths. It can be used to reproduce the frustrated SF with the 4 sublattice $ 90^{circ} $ coplanar spin structure plus its excitations in the weak coupling limit and the FM Mott plus its excitations in the strong coupling limit achieved in our previous work. It also establishes deep and intrinsic connections between the GL effective action and the order from quantum disorder (OFQD) phenomena in the weak coupling limit. Most importantly, it predicts two possible new phases at intermediate couplings: a FM SF phase or a frustrated magnetic Mott phase. We argue that the latter one is more likely and melts into a $ Z_2 $ quantum spin liquid (QSL) phase. If the heating issue can be under a reasonable control at intermediate couplings $ U/t sim 1 $, the topological order of the $ Z_2 $ QSL maybe uniquely probed by the current cold atom or photonic experimental techniques.
We suggest a class of two-dimensional lattice spin Hamiltonians describing non-Abelian SU(2) chiral spin liquids - spin-analogues of fractional non-Abelian quantum Hall states- with gapped bulk and gapless chiral edge excitations described by the SU(2)$_n$ Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten conformal field theory. The models are constructed from an array of a generalized spin-$n/2$ ladders with multi-spin exchange interaction which are coupled by isolated spins. Such models allow a controllable analytic treatment starting from the one-dimensional limit and are characterized by a bulk gap and non-Abelian SU(2)$_n$ gapless edge excitations.
We study the nearest neighbor $XXZ$ Heisenberg quantum antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice. Here we consider the effects of several perturbations: a) a chirality term, b) a Dzyaloshinski-Moriya term, and c) a ring-exchange type term on the bowties of the kagome lattice, and inquire if they can suppport chiral spin liquids as ground states. The method used to study these Hamiltonians is a flux attachment transformation that maps the spins on the lattice to fermions coupled to a Chern-Simons gauge field on the kagome lattice. This transformation requires us to consistently define a Chern-Simons term on the kagome lattice. We find that the chirality term leads to a chiral spin liquid even in the absence of an uniform magnetic field, with an effective spin Hall conductance of $sxy = frac{1}{2}$ in the regime of $XY$ anisotropy. The Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya term also leads a similar chiral spin liquid but only when this term is not too strong. An external magnetic field also has the possibility of giving rise to additional plateaus which also behave like chiral spin liquids in the $XY$ regime. Finally, we consider the effects of a ring-exchange term and find that, provided its coupling constant is large enough, it may trigger a phase transition into a chiral spin liquid by the spontaneous breaking of time-reversal invariance.
We give a complete classification of fully symmetric as well as chiral $mathbb{Z}_2$ quantum spin liquids on the pyrochlore lattice using a projective symmetry group analysis of Schwinger boson mean-field states. We find 50 independent ansatze, including the 12 fully symmetric nearest-neighbor $mathbb{Z}_2$ spin liquids that have been classified by Liu et al. []. For each class we specify the most general symmetry-allowed mean-field Hamiltonian. Additionally, we test the properties of a subset of the spin liquid ansatze by solving the mean-field equations for the spin-$1/2$ XXZ model near the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg point. We find that the ansatz with the lowest energy at mean-field level is a chiral spin liquid that breaks the screw symmetry of the lattice modulo time reversal symmetry. This state has a different symmetry than the previously studied monopole flux state. Moreover, this chiral spin liquid state has a substantially lower energy than all other symmetric spin liquid states, suggesting that it could be a stable ground state beyond the mean-field approximation employed in this work.
We study the effective spin-orbital model that describes the magnetism of 4$d^1$ or 5$d^1$ Mott insulators in ideal tricoordinated lattices. In the limit of vanishing Hunds coupling, the model has an emergent SU(4) symmetry which is made explicit by means of a Klein transformation on pseudospin degrees of freedom. Taking the hyperhoneycomb lattice as an example, we employ parton constructions with fermionic representations of the pseudospin operators to investigate possible quantum spin-orbital liquid states. We then use variational Monte Carlo (VMC) methods to compute the energies of the projected wave functions. Our numerical results show that the lowest-energy quantum liquid corresponds to a zero-flux state with a Fermi surface of four-color fermionic partons. In spite of the Fermi surface, we demonstrate that this state is stable against tetramerization. A combination of linear flavor wave theory and VMC applied to the complete microscopic model also shows that this liquid state is stable against the formation of collinear long-range order.