Waveform Design for Joint Sensing and Communications in the Terahertz Band

Abstract in English

The convergence of radar sensing and communication applications in the terahertz (THz) band has been envisioned as a promising technology, since it incorporates terabit-per-second (Tbps) data transmission and mm-level radar sensing in a spectrum- and cost-efficient manner, by sharing both the frequency and hardware resources. However, the joint THz radar and communication (JRC) system faces considerable challenges, due to the peculiarities of the THz channel and front ends. To this end, the waveform design for THz-JRC systems with ultra-broad bandwidth is investigated in this paper. Firstly, by considering THz-JRC systems based on the co-existence concept, where both functions operate in a time-domain duplex (TDD) manner, a novel multi-subband quasi-perfect (MS-QP) sequence, composed of multiple Zadoff-Chu (ZC) perfect subsequences on different subbands, is proposed for target sensing, which achieves accurate target ranging and velocity estimation, whilst only requiring cost-efficient low-rate analog-to-digital converters (A/Ds) for sequence detection. Furthermore, the root index of each ZC subsequence of the MS-QP sequence is designed to eliminate the influence of doppler shift on the THz radar sensing. Finally, a data-embedded MS-QP (DE-MS-QP) waveform is constructed through time-domain extension of the MS-QP sequence, generating null frequency points on each subband for data transmission. Unlike the THz-JRC system in TDD manner, the proposed DE-MS-QP waveform enables simultaneous interference-free sensing and communication, whilst inheriting all the merits from MS-QP sequences. Numerical results validate the superiority of the proposed waveforms in terms of sensing performance, hardware cost and flexible resource allocation over their conventional counterparts.
