Granger Causality from Quantized Measurements

Abstract in English

An approach is proposed for inferring Granger causality between jointly stationary, Gaussian signals from quantized data. First, a necessary and sufficient rank criterion for the equality of two conditional Gaussian distributions is proved. Assuming a partial finite-order Markov property, conditions are then derived under which Granger causality between them can be reliably inferred from the second order moments of the quantized processes. A necessary and sufficient condition is proposed for Granger causality inference under binary quantization. Furthermore, sufficient conditions are introduced to infer Granger causality between jointly Gaussian signals through measurements quantized via non-uniform, uniform or high resolution quantizers. This approach does not require the statistics of the underlying Gaussian signals to be estimated, or a system model to be identified. No assumptions are made on the identifiability of the jointly Gaussian random processes through the quantized observations. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by simulation results.
