Problem of the 8th Experimental Physics Olympiad, Skopje, 8 May 2021 Determination of Planck constant by LED

Abstract in English

This is the problem of the 8$^mathrm{th}$ International Experimental Physics Olympiad (EPO). The task of the EPO8 is to determine Plank constant $hbar=h/2pi$ using the given set-up with LED. If you have an idea how to do it, do it and send us the result; skip the reading of the detailed step by step instructions with increasing difficulties. We expect the participants to follow the suggested items -- they are instructive for physics education in general.Only the reading of historical remarks given in the first section can be omitted during the Olympiad without loss of generality. Participants should try solving as much tasks as they can without paying attention to the age categories: give your best.
