Retrieval of photon blockade effect in the dispersive Jaynes-Cummings model

Abstract in English

We propose a reliable scheme to recover the photon blockade effect in the dispersive-Jaynes-Cummings model, which describes a two-level atom coupled to a single-mode cavity field in the large-detuning regime. This is achieved by introducing a transversal driving to the atom and then photonic nonlinearity is obtained. The eigen-energy spectrum of the system is obtained analytically, and the photon blockade effect is confirmed by numerically calculating the photon-number distributions and the equal-time second-order correlation function of the cavity field in the presence of system dissipations. We find that the photon blockade effect can be recovered at proper atomic and cavity-field drivings. This work will provide a new method to generate photon blockade in the dispersively coupled quantum optical systems.
