Enhanced anomalous Nernst effects in ferromagnetic materials driven by Weyl nodes

Abstract in English

Based on high-throughput first-principles calculations, we evaluated the anomalous Hall and anomalous Nernst conductivities of 266 transition-metal-based ferromagnetic compounds. Detailed analysis based on the symmetries and Berry curvatures reveals that the origin of singular-like behaviour of anomalous Hall/Nernst conductivities can be mostly attributed to the appearance of Weyl nodes or nodal lines located in the proximity of the Fermi energy, which can be further tailored by external stimuli such as biaxial strains and magnetic fields. Moreover, such calculations are enabled by the automated construction of Wannier functions with a success rate of 92%, which paves the way to perform accurate high-throughput evaluation of the physical properties such as the transport properties using the Wannier interpolation
