Finite irreducible modules of a class of $mathbb{Z}^+$-graded Lie conformal algebras

Abstract in English

In this paper, we introduce the notion of completely non-trivial module of a Lie conformal algebra. By this notion, we classify all finite irreducible modules of a class of $mathbb{Z}^+$-graded Lie conformal algebras $mathcal{L}=bigoplus_{i=0}^{infty} mathbb{C}[partial]L_i$ satisfying $ [{L_0}_lambda L_0]=(partial+2lambda)L_0,$ and $[{L_1}_lambda L_i] eq 0$ for any $iin mathbb{Z}^+$. These Lie conformal algebras include Block type Lie conformal algebra $mathcal{B}(p)$ and map Virasoro Lie conformal algebra $mathcal{V}(mathbb{C}[T])=Virotimes mathbb{C}[T]$. As a result, we show that all non-trivial finite irreducible modules of these algebras are free of rank one as a $mathbb{C}[partial]$-module.
