Route to High-Performance Micro-solid Oxide Fuel Cells on Metallic Substrates

Abstract in English

Micro-solid oxide fuel cells based on thin films have strong potential for use in portable power devices. However, devices based on silicon substrates typically involve thin-film metallic electrodes which are unstable at high temperatures. Devices based on bulk metal substrates overcome these limitations, though performance is hindered by the challenge of growing state-of-the-art epitaxial materials on metals. Here, we demonstrate for the first time the growth of epitaxial cathode materials on metal substrates (stainless steel) commercially supplied with epitaxial electrolyte layers (1.5 {um (Y2O3)0.15(ZrO2)0.85 (YSZ) + 50 nm CeO2). We create epitaxial mesoporous cathodes of (La0.60Sr0.40)0.95Co0.20Fe0.80O3 (LSCF) on the substrate by growing LSCF/MgO vertically aligned nanocomposite films by pulsed laser deposition, followed by selectively etching out the MgO. To enable valid comparison with the literature, the cathodes are also grown on single-crystal substrates, confirming state-of-the-art performance with an area specific resistance of 100ohmegacm2 at 500dC and activation energy down to 0.97 eV. The work marks an important step toward the commercialization of high-performance micro-solid oxide fuel cells for portable power applications.
