Wormhole on the Brane with Ordinary Matter: The Broader View

Abstract in English

In this paper we attempt to examine the possibility of construction of a traversable wormhole on the Randall-Sundrum braneworld with ordinary matter employing the Kuchowicz potential as one of the metric potentials. In this scenario, the wormhole shape function is obtained and studied, along with validity of Null Energy Condition (NEC) and the junction conditions at the surface of the wormhole are used to obtain a few of the model parameters. The investigation, besides giving an estimate for the bulk equation of state parameter, draws important constraints on the brane tension which is a novel attempt in this aspect and very interestingly the constraints imposed by a physically plausible traversable wormhole is in high confirmity with those drawn from more general space-times or space-time independent situations involved in fundamental physics. Also, we go on to claim that the possible existence of a wormhole may very well indicate that we live on a three-brane universe.
