Heavy QCD axion inflation

Abstract in English

The QCD axion mass may receive contributions from small-size instantons or other Peccei-Quinn breaking effects. We show that it is possible for such a heavy QCD axion to induce slow-roll inflation if the potential is sufficiently flat near its maximum by balancing the small instanton contribution with another Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking term. There are two classes of such axion hilltop inflation, each giving a different relation between the axion mass at the minimum and the decay constant. The first class predicts the relation $m_phi sim 10^{-6}f_phi$, and the axion can decay via the gluon coupling and reheat the universe. Most of the predicted parameter region will be covered by various experiments such as CODEX, DUNE, FASER, LHC, MATHUSLA, and NA62 where the production and decay proceed through the same coupling that induced reheating. The second class predicts the relation $m_phi sim 10^{-6} f^2_phi/M_{rm pl}$. In this case, the axion mass is much lighter than in the previous case, and one needs another mechanism for successful reheating. The viable decay constant is restricted to be $10^8,{rm GeV}lesssim f_phi lesssim 10^{10},{rm GeV}$, which will be probed by future experiments on the electric dipole moment of nucleons. In both cases, requiring the axion hilltop inflation results in the strong CP phase that is close to zero.
