Indefinite nilsolitons and Einstein solvmanifolds

Abstract in English

A nilsoliton is a nilpotent Lie algebra $mathfrak{g}$ with a metric such that $operatorname{Ric}=lambda operatorname{Id}+D$, with $D$ a derivation. For indefinite metrics, this determines four different geometries, according to whether $lambda$ and $D$ are zero or not. We illustrate with examples the greater flexibility of the indefinite case compared to the Riemannian setting. We determine the algebraic properties that $D$ must satisfy when it is nonzero. For each of the four geometries, we show that under suitable assumptions it is possible to extend the nilsoliton metric to an Einstein solvmanifold of the form $mathfrak{g}rtimes mathbb{R}^k$. Conversely, we introduce a large class of indefinite Einstein solvmanifolds of the form $mathfrak{g}rtimes mathbb{R}^k$ that determine a nilsoliton metric on $mathfrak{g}$ by restriction. We show with examples that, unlike in the Riemannian case, one cannot establish a correspondence between the full classes of Einstein solvmanifolds and nilsolitons.
