IMPULSE: A 65nm Digital Compute-in-Memory Macro with Fused Weights and Membrane Potential for Spike-based Sequential Learning Tasks

Abstract in English

The inherent dynamics of the neuron membrane potential in Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) allows processing of sequential learning tasks, avoiding the complexity of recurrent neural networks. The highly-sparse spike-based computations in such spatio-temporal data can be leveraged for energy-efficiency. However, the membrane potential incurs additional memory access bottlenecks in current SNN hardware. To that effect, we propose a 10T-SRAM compute-in-memory (CIM) macro, specifically designed for state-of-the-art SNN inference. It consists of a fused weight (WMEM) and membrane potential (VMEM) memory and inherently exploits sparsity in input spikes leading to 97.4% reduction in energy-delay-product (EDP) at 85% sparsity (typical of SNNs considered in this work) compared to the case of no sparsity. We propose staggered data mapping and reconfigurable peripherals for handling different bit-precision requirements of WMEM and VMEM, while supporting multiple neuron functionalities. The proposed macro was fabricated in 65nm CMOS technology, achieving an energy-efficiency of 0.99TOPS/W at 0.85V supply and 200MHz frequency for signed 11-bit operations. We evaluate the SNN for sentiment classification from the IMDB dataset of movie reviews and achieve within 1% accuracy of an LSTM network with 8.5x lower parameters.
