Proto-magnetar jets as central engines for broad-lined type Ic supernovae

Abstract in English

A subset of type Ic supernovae (SNe Ic), broad-lined SNe Ic (SNe Ic-bl), show unusually high kinetic energies ($sim 10^{52}$ erg) which cannot be explained by the energy supplied by neutrinos alone. Many SNe Ic-bl have been observed in coincidence with long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) which suggests a connection between SNe and GRBs. A small fraction of core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) form a rapidly-rotating and strongly-magnetized protoneutron star (PNS), a proto-magnetar. Jets from such magnetars can provide the high kinetic energies observed in SNe Ic-bl and also provide the connection to GRBs. In this work we use the jetted outflow produced in a 3D CCSN simulation from a consistently formed proto-magnetar as the central engine for full-star explosion simulations. We extract a range of central engine parameters and find that the extracted engine energy is in the range of $6.231 times 10^{51}-1.725 times 10^{52}$ erg, the engine time-scale in the range of $0.479-1.159$ s and the engine half-opening angle in the range of $sim 9-19^{circ}$. Using these as central engines, we perform 2D special-relativistic (SR) hydrodynamic (HD) and radiation transfer simulations to calculate the corresponding light curves and spectra. We find that these central engine parameters successfully produce SNe Ic-bl which demonstrates that jets from proto-magnetars can be viable engines for SNe Ic-bl. We also find that only the central engines with smaller opening angles ($sim 10^{circ}$) form a GRB implying that GRB formation is likely associated with narrower jet outflows and Ic-bls without GRBs may be associated with wider outflows.
