Conformal Manifolds and 3d Mirrors of Argyres-Douglas theories

Abstract in English

Argyres-Douglas theories constitute an important class of superconformal field theories in $4$d. The main focus of this paper is on two infinite families of such theories, known as $D^b_p(mathrm{SO}(2N))$ and $(A_m, D_n)$. We analyze in depth their conformal manifolds. In doing so we encounter several theories of class $mathcal{S}$ of twisted $A_{text{odd}}$, twisted $A_{text{even}}$ and twisted $D$ types associated with a sphere with one twisted irregular puncture and one twisted regular puncture. These models include $D_p(G)$ theories, with $G$ non-simply-laced algebras. A number of new properties of such theories are discussed in detail, along with new SCFTs that arise from partially closing the twisted regular puncture. Moreover, we systematically present the $3$d mirror theories, also known as the magnetic quivers, for the $D^b_p(mathrm{SO}(2N))$ theories, with $p geq b$, and the $(A_m, D_n)$ theories, with arbitrary $m$ and $n$. We also discuss the $3$d reduction and mirror theories of certain $D^b_p(mathrm{SO}(2N))$ theories, with $p < b$, where the former arises from gauging topological symmetries of some $T^sigma_rho[mathrm{SO}(2M)]$ theories that are not manifest in the Lagrangian description of the latter.
