UX Ori Stars Eclipses by Large-Scale Disc Humps

Abstract in English

The eclipses of UX Ori type stars by large-scale disc humps are studied in detail. The influence of the hump extension on the eclipse depth and parameters of the linear polarization is modelled and compared with a compact cloud eclipse model. Eclipses were investigated both for the flared disc and for the disc with a puffing-up in the dust sublimation zone. It is shown that the large-scale hump eclipse may be significantly deeper than a compact cloud eclipse and show a greater linear polarization degree compared to it. It is also demonstrated that the hump extension together with the disc puffing-up can strongly affect the degree of polarization and colour index of the star during the eclipse. The position angle of the linear polarization may also change markedly during and after an eclipse by a large scale hump for the model with a puffed-up inner rim. Also, in this model, the maximum degree of the linear polarization can be achieved not at the brightness minimum, but closer to the end of the eclipse.
