Surface Manifestation of Stochastically Excited Internal Gravity Waves

Abstract in English

Recent photometric observations of massive stars show ubiquitous low-frequency red-noise variability, which has been interpreted as internal gravity waves (IGWs). Simulations of IGWs generated by convection show smooth surface wave spectra, qualitatively matching the observed red-noise. On the other hand, theoretical calculations by Shiode et al (2013) and Lecoanet et al (2019) predict IGWs should manifest at the surface as regularly-spaced peaks associated with standing g-modes. In this work, we compare these theoretical approaches to simplified 2D numerical simulations. The simulations show g-mode peaks at their surface, and are in good agreement with Lecoanet et al (2019). The amplitude estimates of Shiode et al (2013) did not take into account the finite width of the g-mode peaks; after correcting for this finite width, we find good agreement with simulations. However, simulations need to be run for hundreds of convection turnover times for the peaks to become visible; this is a long time to run a simulation, but a short time in the life of a star. The final spectrum can be predicted by calculating the wave energy flux spectrum in much shorter simulations, and then either applying the theory of Shiode et al (2013) or Lecoanet et al (2019).
