Evidence of topological edge states in a superconducting nonsymmorphic nodal-line semimetal

Abstract in English

Topological materials host fascinating low dimensional gapless states at the boundary. As a prominent example, helical topological edge states (TESs) of two-dimensional topological insulators (2DTIs) and their stacked three-dimensional (3D) equivalent, weak topological insulators (WTIs), have sparked research enthusiasm due to their potential application in the next generation of electronics/spintronics with low dissipation. Here, we propose layered superconducting material CaSn as a WTI with nontrivial Z2 as well as nodal line semimetal protected by crystalline non-symmorphic symmetry. Our systematic angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) investigation on the electronic structure exhibits excellent agreement with the calculation. Furthermore, scanning tunnelling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS) at the surface step edge shows signatures of the expected TES. These integrated evidences from ARPES, STM/STS measurement and corresponding ab initio calculation strongly support the existence of TES in the non-symmorphic nodal line semimetal CaSn, which may become a versatile material platform to realize multiple exotic electronic states as well as topological superconductivity.
