Probing Robust Majorana Signatures by Crossed Andreev Reflection with a Quantum Dot

Abstract in English

We propose a three-terminal structure to probe robust signatures of Majorana zero modes consisting of a quantum dot coupled to the normal metal, s-wave superconducting and Majorana Y-junction leads. The zero-bias differential conductance at zero temperature of the normal-metal lead peaks at $2e^{2}/h$, which will be deflected after Majorana braiding. We find that the effect of thermal broadening is significantly suppressed when the dot is on resonance. In the case that the energy level of the quantum dot is much larger than the superconducting gap, tunneling processes are dominated by Majorana-induced crossed Andreev reflection. Particularly, a novel kind of crossed Andreev reflection equivalent to the splitting of charge quanta $3e$ occurs after Majorana braiding.
