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Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applications can benefit from leveraging edge computing. For example, applications underpinned by deep neural networks (DNN) models can be sliced and distributed across the IIoT device and the edge of the network for improving the overall performance of inference and for enhancing privacy of the input data, such as industrial product images. However, low network performance between IIoT devices and the edge is often a bottleneck. In this study, we develop ScissionLite, a holistic framework for accelerating distributed DNN inference using the Transfer Layer (TL). The TL is a traffic-aware layer inserted between the optimal slicing point of a DNN model slice in order to decrease the outbound network traffic without a significant accuracy drop. For the TL, we implement a new lightweight down/upsampling network for performance-limited IIoT devices. In ScissionLite, we develop ScissionTL, the Preprocessor, and the Offloader for end-to-end activities for deploying DNN slices with the TL. They decide the optimal slicing point of the DNN, prepare pre-trained DNN slices including the TL, and execute the DNN slices on an IIoT device and the edge. Employing the TL for the sliced DNN models has a negligible overhead. ScissionLite improves the inference latency by up to 16 and 2.8 times when compared to execution on the local device and an existing state-of-the-art model slicing approach respectively.
As neural network model sizes have dramatically increased, so has the interest in various techniques to reduce their parameter counts and accelerate their execution. An active area of research in this field is sparsity - encouraging zero values in parameters that can then be discarded from storage or computations. While most research focuses on high levels of sparsity, there are challenges in universally maintaining model accuracy as well as achieving significant speedups over modern matrix-math hardware. To make sparsity adoption practical, the NVIDIA Ampere GPU architecture introduces sparsity support in its matrix-math units, Tensor Cores. We present the design and behavior of Sparse Tensor Cores, which exploit a 2:4 (50%) sparsity pattern that leads to twice the math throughput of dense matrix units. We also describe a simple workflow for training networks that both satisfy 2:4 sparsity pattern requirements and maintain accuracy, verifying it on a wide range of common tasks and model architectures. This workflow makes it easy to prepare accurate models for efficient deployment on Sparse Tensor Cores.
In this paper, we propose an adaptive pruning method. This method can cut off the channel and layer adaptively. The proportion of the layer and the channel to be cut is learned adaptively. The pruning method proposed in this paper can reduce half of the parameters, and the accuracy will not decrease or even be higher than baseline.
Accelerating deep model training and inference is crucial in practice. Existing deep learning frameworks usually concentrate on optimizing training speed and pay fewer attentions to inference-specific optimizations. Actually, model inference differs from training in terms of computation, e.g. parameters are refreshed each gradient update step during training, but kept invariant during inference. These special characteristics of model inference open new opportunities for its optimization. In this paper, we propose a hardware-aware optimization framework, namely Woodpecker-DL (WPK), to accelerate inference by taking advantage of multiple joint optimizations from the perspectives of graph optimization, automated searches, domain-specific language (DSL) compiler techniques and system-level exploration. In WPK, we investigated two new automated search approaches based on genetic algorithm and reinforcement learning, respectively, to hunt the best operator code configurations targeting specific hardware. A customized DSL compiler is further attached to these search algorithms to generate efficient codes. To create an optimized inference plan, WPK systematically explores high-speed operator implementations from third-party libraries besides our automatically generated codes and singles out the best implementation per operator for use. Extensive experiments demonstrated that on a Tesla P100 GPU, we can achieve the maximum speedup of 5.40 over cuDNN and 1.63 over TVM on individual convolution operators, and run up to 1.18 times faster than TensorRT for end-to-end model inference.
Over the years, accelerating neural networks with quantization has been widely studied. Unfortunately, prior efforts with diverse precisions (e.g., 1-bit weights and 2-bit activations) are usually restricted by limited precision support on GPUs (e.g., int1 and int4). To break such restrictions, we introduce the first Arbitrary Precision Neural Network framework (APNN-TC) to fully exploit quantization benefits on Ampere GPU Tensor Cores. Specifically, APNN-TC first incorporates a novel emulation algorithm to support arbitrary short bit-width computation with int1 compute primitives and XOR/AND Boolean operations. Second, APNN-TC integrates arbitrary precision layer designs to efficiently map our emulation algorithm to Tensor Cores with novel batching strategies and specialized memory organization. Third, APNN-TC embodies a novel arbitrary precision NN design to minimize memory access across layers and further improve performance. Extensive evaluations show that APNN-TC can achieve significant speedup over CUTLASS kernels and various NN models, such as ResNet and VGG.
In this paper, we study distributed algorithms for large-scale AUC maximization with a deep neural network as a predictive model. Although distributed learning techniques have been investigated extensively in deep learning, they are not directly applicable to stochastic AUC maximization with deep neural networks due to its striking differences from standard loss minimization problems (e.g., cross-entropy). Towards addressing this challenge, we propose and analyze a communication-efficient distributed optimization algorithm based on a {it non-convex concave} reformulation of the AUC maximization, in which the communication of both the primal variable and the dual variable between each worker and the parameter server only occurs after multiple steps of gradient-based updates in each worker. Compared with the naive parallel version of an existing algorithm that computes stochastic gradients at individual machines and averages them for updating the model parameters, our algorithm requires a much less number of communication rounds and still achieves a linear speedup in theory. To the best of our knowledge, this is the textbf{first} work that solves the {it non-convex concave min-max} problem for AUC maximization with deep neural networks in a communication-efficient distributed manner while still maintaining the linear speedup property in theory. Our experiments on several benchmark datasets show the effectiveness of our algorithm and also confirm our theory.