Unusual magnetotransport in twisted bilayer graphene

Abstract in English

We present transport measurements of bilayer graphene with 1.38{deg} interlayer twist and apparent additional alignment to its hexagonal boron nitride cladding. As with other devices with twist angles substantially larger than the magic angle of 1.1{deg}, we do not observe correlated insulating states or band reorganization. However, we do observe several highly unusual behaviors in magnetotransport. For a large range of densities around half filling of the moire bands, magnetoresistance is large and quadratic. Over these same densities, the magnetoresistance minima corresponding to gaps between Landau levels split and bend as a function of density and field. We reproduce the same splitting and bending behavior in a simple tight-binding model of Hofstadters butterfly on a square lattice with anisotropic hopping terms. These features appear to be a generic class of experimental manifestations of Hofstadters butterfly and may provide insight into the emergent states of twisted bilayer graphene.
