Frozen deconfined quantum criticality

Abstract in English

There is a number of contradictory findings with regard to whether the theory describing easy-plane quantum antiferromagnets undergoes a second-order phase transition. The traditional Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson approach suggests a first-order phase transition, as there are two different competing order parameters. On the other hand, it is known that the theory has the property of self-duality which has been connected to the existence of a deconfined quantum critical point. The latter regime suggests that order parameters are not the elementary building blocks of the theory, but rather consist of fractionalized particles that are confined in both phases of the transition and only appear - deconfine - at the critical point. Nevertheless, numerical Monte Carlo simulations disagree with the claim of deconfined quantum criticality in the system, indicating instead a first-order phase transition. Here these contradictions are resolved by demonstrating via a duality transformation that a new critical regime exists analogous to the zero temperature limit of a certain classical statistical mechanics system. Because of this analogy, we dub this critical regime frozen. A renormalization group analysis bolsters this claim, allowing us to go beyond it and align previous numerical predictions of the first-order phase transition with the deconfined criticality in a consistent framework.
