Dynamics and kinetics of phase transition for Kerr AdS black hole on free energy landscape

Abstract in English

By treating the black hole event horizon as a stochastic thermal fluctuating variable for small-large black hole phase transition, we investigate the dynamical process of phase transition for the Kerr AdS black holes on free energy landscape. We find that the extremal points of the off-shell Gibbs free energy correspond to physical black holes. For small-large black hole phase transition, the off-shell Gibbs free energy exhibits a double well behavior with the same depth. Contrary to previous research for the dynamics of phase transition for the Kerr-Newman AdS family black holes on free energy landscape, we find that there is a lower bound for the order parameter and the lower bound corresponds to extremal black holes. In particular, the off-shell Gibbs free energy is zero instead of divergent as previous work suggested for vanishing black hole horizon radius, which corresponds to the Gibbs free energy of thermal AdS space. The investigation for the evolution of the probability distribution for the phase transition indicates that the initial stable small (large) black hole tends to switch to stable large (small) black hole. Increasing the temperature along the coexistence curve, the switching process becomes faster and the probability distribution reaches the final stationary Boltzmann distribution at a shorter time. The distribution of the first passage time indicates the time scale of the small-large black hole phase transition, and the peak of the distribution becomes sharper and shifts to the left with the increase of temperature along the coexistence curve. This suggests that a considerable first passage process occurs at a shorter time for higher temperature.
