Hypernetwork Dismantling via Deep Reinforcement Learning

Abstract in English

Network dismantling aims to degrade the connectivity of a network by removing an optimal set of nodes and has been widely adopted in many real-world applications such as epidemic control and rumor containment. However, conventional methods usually focus on simple network modeling with only pairwise interactions, while group-wise interactions modeled by hypernetwork are ubiquitous and critical. In this work, we formulate the hypernetwork dismantling problem as a node sequence decision problem and propose a deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based hypernetwork dismantling framework. Besides, we design a novel inductive hypernetwork embedding method to ensure the transferability to various real-world hypernetworks. Generally, our framework builds an agent. It first generates small-scale synthetic hypernetworks and embeds the nodes and hypernetworks into a low dimensional vector space to represent the action and state space in DRL, respectively. Then trial-and-error dismantling tasks are conducted by the agent on these synthetic hypernetworks, and the dismantling strategy is continuously optimized. Finally, the well-optimized strategy is applied to real-world hypernetwork dismantling tasks. Experimental results on five real-world hypernetworks demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework.
