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Sc3Mn3Al7Si5 is a correlated metal in which the Mn moments form a kagome lattice that can frustrate magnetic interactions and no magnetic order develops to the lowest measured temperatures. We have studied the phonon density of states (DOS) in Sc3Mn3Al7Si5 using both inelastic neutron scattering (INS) measurements and ab initio calculations. Above 10 meV, the INS data are dominated by phonon scattering, with peak positions and intensities well described by ab initio simulations of the one-phonon DOS. This indicates phonon anharmonicity is not significant in this material. The partial phonon DOS calculation shows neutron scattering is mainly sensitive to Sc ({sigma}_scatt=23.5 barn), while Mn ({sigma}_scatt=2.15 barn) make only a small contribution. The lattice component of the specific heat is estimated from the measured phonon DOS, and excellent agreement with the measured specific heat from 30 K to 300 K is found, including contributions from lattice dilation and the Sommerfeld coefficient, which are linear in temperature.
The properties of ground state of spin-$frac{1}{2}$ kagome antiferromagnetic Heisenberg (KAFH) model have attracted considerable interest in the past few decades, and recent numerical simulations reported a spin liquid phase. The nature of the spin liquid phase remains unclear. For instance, the interplay between symmetries and $Z_2$ topological order leads to different types of $Z_2$ spin liquid phases. In this paper, we develop a numerical simulation method based on symmetric projected entangled-pair states (PEPS), which is generally applicable to strongly correlated model systems in two spatial dimensions. We then apply this method to study the nature of the ground state of the KAFH model. Our results are consistent with that the ground state is a $U(1)$ Dirac spin liquid rather than a $Z_2$ spin liquid.
We present numerical evidence for the crystallization of magnons below the saturation field at non-zero temperatures for the highly frustrated spin-half kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet. This phenomenon can be traced back to the existence of independent localized magnons or equivalently flat-band multi-magnon states. We present a loop-gas description of these localized magnons and a phase diagram of this transition, thus providing information for which magnetic fields and temperatures magnon crystallization can be observed experimentally. The emergence of a finite-temperature continuous transition to a magnon-crystal is expected to be generic for spin models in dimension $D>1$ where flat-band multi-magnon ground states break translational symmetry.
Identification, understanding, and manipulation of novel magnetic textures is essential for the discovery of new quantum materials for future spin-based electronic devices. In particular, materials that manifest a large response to external stimuli such as a magnetic field are subject to intense investigation. Here, we study the kagome-net magnet YMn$_{6}$Sn$_{6}$ by magnetometry, transport, and neutron diffraction measurements combined with first principles calculations. We identify a number of nontrivial magnetic phases, explain their microscopic nature, and demonstrate that one of them hosts a large topological Hall effect (THE). We propose a new nematic chirality mechanism, reminiscent of the nematicity in Fe-based superconductors, which leads to the THE at elevated temperatures. This interesting physics comes from parametrically frustrated interplanar exchange interactions that trigger strong magnetic fluctuations. Our results pave a path to new chiral spin textures, promising for novel spintronics.
We investigate the spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice with breathing anisotropy (i.e. with weak and strong triangular units), constructing an improved simplex Resonating Valence Bond (RVB) ansatz by successive applications (up to three times) of local quantum gates which implement a filtering operation on the bare nearest-neighbor RVB state. The resulting Projected Entangled Pair State involves a small number of variational parameters (only one at each level of application) and preserves full lattice and spin-rotation symmetries. Despite its simple analytic form, the simplex RVB provides very good variational energies at strong and even intermediate breathing anisotropy. We show that it carries $Z_2$ topological order which does not fade away under the first few applications of the quantum gates, suggesting that the RVB topological spin liquid becomes a competing ground state candidate for the kagome antiferromagnet at large breathing anisotropy.
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), which are self-assemblies of metal ions and organic ligands, provide a tunable platform to search a new state of matter. A two-dimensional (2D) perfect kagome lattice, whose geometrical frustration is a key to realizing quantum spin liquids, has been formed in the ${pi}$-${d}$ conjugated 2D MOF [Cu$_{3}$(C$_{6}$S$_{6}$)]$_{n}$ (Cu-BHT). The recent discovery of its superconductivity with a critical temperature $T_{rm c}$ of 0.25,kelvin raises fundamental questions about the nature of electron pairing. Here, we show that Cu-BHT is a strongly correlated unconventional superconductor with extremely low superfluid density. A nonexponential temperature dependence of superfluid density is observed, indicating the possible presence of superconducting gap nodes. The magnitude of superfluid density is much smaller than those in conventional superconductors, and follows the Uemuras relation of strongly correlated superconductors. These results imply that the unconventional superconductivity in Cu-BHT originates from electron correlations related to spin fluctuations of kagome lattice.